302 research outputs found

    The longevity bottleneck hypothesis:Could dinosaurs have shaped ageing in present‐day mammals?

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    The evolution and biodiversity of ageing have long fascinated scientists and the public alike. While mammals, including long‐lived species such as humans, show a marked ageing process, some species of reptiles and amphibians exhibit very slow and even the absence of ageing phenotypes. How can reptiles and other vertebrates age slower than mammals? Herein, I propose that evolving during the rule of the dinosaurs left a lasting legacy in mammals. For over 100 million years when dinosaurs were the dominant predators, mammals were generally small, nocturnal, and short‐lived. My hypothesis is that such a long evolutionary pressure on early mammals for rapid reproduction led to the loss or inactivation of genes and pathways associated with long life. I call this the ‘longevity bottleneck hypothesis’, which is further supported by the absence in mammals of regenerative traits. Although mammals, such as humans, can evolve long lifespans, they do so under constraints dating to the dinosaur era

    HAGR: the Human Ageing Genomic Resources

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    The Human Ageing Genomic Resources (HAGR) is a collection of online resources for studying the biology of human ageing. HAGR features two main databases: GenAge and AnAge. GenAge is a curated database of genes related to human ageing. Entries were primarily selected based on genetic perturbations in animal models and human diseases as well as an extensive literature review. Each entry includes a variety of automated and manually curated information, including, where available, protein–protein interactions, the relevant literature, and a description of the gene and how it relates to human ageing. The goal of GenAge is to provide the most complete and comprehensive database of genes related to human ageing on the Internet as well as render an overview of the genetics of human ageing. AnAge is an integrative database describing the ageing process in several organisms and featuring, if available, maximum life span, taxonomy, developmental schedules and metabolic rate, making AnAge a unique resource for the comparative biology of ageing. Associated with the databases are data-mining tools and software designed to investigate the role of genes and proteins in the human ageing process as well as analyse ageing across different taxa. HAGR is freely available to the academic community at http://genomics.senescence.info

    Somatic mutations in human ageing: New insights from DNA sequencing and inherited mutations

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    The accumulation of somatic mutations is a driver of cancer and has long been associated with ageing. Due to limitations in quantifying mutation burden with age in non-cancerous tissues, the impact of somatic mutations in other ageing phenotypes is unclear. Recent advances in DNA sequencing technologies have allowed the large-scale quantification of somatic mutations in ageing. These studies have revealed a gradual accumulation of mutations in most normal tissues with age as well as a substantial clonal expansion driven mostly by cancer-related mutations. Nevertheless, because of the relatively modest burden of age-related somatic mutations identified so far and their stochastic nature, it is difficult to envision how somatic mutation accumulation alone can explain most ageing phenotypes that develop gradually. Studies across species have also found that longer-lived species have lower somatic mutation rates, though these could be explained by selective pressures to reduce or postpone cancer as longevity increases. Overall, with a few exceptions like cancer, results from recent DNA sequencing studies do not add weight to the idea that somatic mutations with age drive ageing phenotypes and the phenotypic role, if any, of somatic mutations in ageing remains unclear. Recent studies in patients with somatic mutation burden and no signs of accelerated ageing further question the role of somatic mutations in ageing

    How platforms govern users’ copyright-protected content: exploring the power of private ordering and its implications

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    Online platforms provide primary points of access to information and other content in the digital age. They foster users’ ability to share ideas and opinions while offering opportunities for cultural and creative industries. In Europe, ownership and use of such expressions is partly governed by a complex web of legislation, sectoral self- and co-regulatory norms. To an important degree, it is also governed by private norms defined by contractual agreements and informal relationships between users and platforms. By adopting policies usually defined as Terms of Service and Community Guidelines, platforms almost unilaterally set use, moderation and enforcement rules, structures and practices (including through algorithmic systems) that govern the access and dissemination of protected content by their users. This private governance of essential means of access, dissemination and expression to (and through) creative content is hardly equitable, though. In fact, it is an expression of how platforms control what users – including users-creators – can say and disseminate online, and how they can monetise their content. As platform power grows, EU law is adjusting by moving towards enhancing the responsibility of platforms for content they host. One crucial example of this is Article 17 of the new Copyright Directive (2019/790), which fundamentally changes the regime and liability of “online content-sharing service providers” (OCSSPs). This complex regime, complemented by rules in the Digital Services Act, sets out a new environment for OCSSPs to design and carry out content moderation, as well as to define their contractual relationship with users, including creators. The latter relationship is characterized by significant power imbalance in favour of platforms, calling into question whether the law can and should do more to protect users-creators. This article addresses the power of large-scale platforms in EU law over their users’ copyright-protected content and its effects on the governance of that content, including on its exploitation and some of its implications for freedom of expression. Our analysis combines legal and empirical methods. We carry our doctrinal legal research to clarify the complex legal regime that governs platforms’ contractual obligations to users and content moderation activities, including the space available for private ordering, with a focus on EU law. From the empirical perspective, we conducted a thematic analysis of most versions of the Terms of Services published over time by the three largest social media platforms in number of users – Facebook, Instagram and YouTube – so as to identify and examine the rules these companies have established to regulate user-generated content, and the ways in which such provisions shifted in the past two decades. In so doing, we unveil how foundational this sort of regulation has always been to platforms’ functioning and how it contributes to defining a system of content exploitation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Análise da gestão da sustentabilidade nos operadores de turismo de natureza e aventura: o caso da agência de viagens Borealis on Trekking

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    O presente relatório de estágio foi desenvolvido no âmbito do Mestrado em Turismo de Interior: Educação para a Sustentabilidade, na Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra, do Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra. Este tem como principal objetivo analisar a sustentabilidade da Agência de Viagens, bem como descrever a experiência do estágio curricular. O estágio curricular de mestrado desenvolveu-se na Agência de Viagens Borealis on Trekking, situada na vila de Ponte de Lima e teve a duração de quatro meses, tendo tido início em setembro de 2021 e término a dezembro de 2021. O presente relatório apresenta um enquadramento teórico inicial acerca do turismo de natureza e aventura, e sustentabilidade, enquadrando mais especificamente o tema da economia e turismo circular, bem como a ferramenta de análise do turismo sustentável – a pegada ecológica. Seguidamente, destaca-se a caraterização da entidade de estágio e descreve-se a experiência de estágio, assim como o conjunto de tarefas desenvolvidas no âmbito operacional e prático de estágio. Finalmente, e com o principal intuito de consolidar os conhecimentos adquiridos ao longo do processo do estágio e do mestrado em Turismo de Interior – Educação para a Sustentabilidade, analisa-se o desempenho sustentável da agência de viagens Borealis on Trekking com recurso a uma ferramenta de análise da pegada ecológica das pequenas-médias empresas do turismo. O presente estudo permitiu concluir que a agência de viagens Borealis on Trekking apresenta uma preocupação para com o meio ambiente bastante evidente a nível de logística, elaboração e planeamento de atividades e viagens, no entanto, encontraram-se alguns pontos que poderiam ser melhorados por forma a aumentar de forma positiva a performance da empresa turística

    Interacção de pesticidas da família dos carbamatos com ácidos fúlvicos

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Química apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Port

    Relatório de estágio: the Yeatman Oporto

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    Dissertação de mestrado, Direção e Gestão Hoteleira, Escola Superior de Gestão, Hotelaria e Turismo, Universidade do Algarve, 2017O presente relatório de estágio tem como objetivo analisar reflexivamente o estágio que se realizou no The Yeatman (TYH) membro da Relais & Châteaux entre o período de 4 de abril a 4 de Dezembro de 2016 num total de 1260 horas. A realização deste estágio prende-se com a importância de concluir um ciclo de estudos no âmbito do mestrado de Direção e Gestão Hoteleira, ramo opcional I “Hotelaria e Função Comercial”. O relatório preconiza uma etapa final de cariz obrigatório para a obtenção do grau de Mestre pela Escola Superior de Gestão, Hotelaria e Turismo da Universidade do Algarve. É apresentada a caracterização do hotel e posteriormente cada departamento onde decorreu o estágio, as atividades desempenhadas nos departamentos de Front-Office, Housekeeping e F&B. Uma revisão de literatura sobre gastronomia e economia de experiências e um capítulo final que abordará a ligação do The Yeatman com a gastronomia e o vinho, uma vez que o grupo ao qual pertence tem uma ligação de mais de 300 anos com a produção e comercialização do vinho. O presente estágio proporcionou uma adaptação ao “mundo da hotelaria” e ao desenvolvimento de competências profissionais a nível da gestão das operações. Em suma este estágio contribuiu para uma adaptação ao espaço empresarial e para adquirir competências profissionais a nível operacional duma unidade hoteleira de referência a nível mundial

    Sport Lisboa e Benfica : departamento do Benfica Escolas de Futebol

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    Este trabalho é caracterizado por ser um Relatório de Estágio Curricular, em que é feita uma autorreflexão e descrição de meses de trabalho no Sport Lisboa e Benfica, com vista à obtenção para o Grau de Mestre em Gestão do Desporto. Neste documento é feita uma descrição pormenorizada de todas as tarefas que realizei, que dificuldades senti e de que forma pude dar o meu contributo para a realização das funções que me eram pedidas, em prol de um excelente funcionamento de toda a estrutura das Escolas de Futebol. Durante a realização do Estágio deparei-me com uma barreira que foi trabalhar no SLB à tarde e treinar de manhã no clube ao qual eu pertencia. Houve momentos em que me senti desgastado, visto que por exemplo ao Domingo tinha competições oficiais e Segunda pela parte da tarde, apresentava-me ao serviço, sendo que não recuperava na totalidade do desgaste físico. No entanto, devido à minha experiência no ramo do futebol, tive facilidade em integrar-me no contexto organizativo, permitindo-me fazer algumas questões quando o achava, ou até mesmo partilhar algumas ideias que possuí-a.This work is characterized by being a Curricular Internship Report, in which a self-reflection and description of months of work is done in Sport Lisboa e Benfica, aiming at obtaining a Master's Degree in Sports Management. This document gives a detailed description of all the tasks I have done, what difficulties I have experienced and how I have been able to contribute to the tasks I was asked to do, for the excellent functioning of the whole structure of the Football Schools . During the internship I came across a barrier that went to work in the SLB in the afternoon and train in the morning in the club to which I belonged. There were times when I felt worn out, since for example Sunday had official competitions and Monday afternoon, I was in the service, not recovering in full physical wear. However, due to my experience in the field of football, I found it easy to integrate myself into the organizational context, allowing me to ask some questions when I found it, or even share some ideas that I have